25 May - Helensburgh Sevens Festival

25 May - Helensburgh Sevens Festival

Saturday 25 May 2024
10:00 - 23:00
Euan Ramsay
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Welcome to the Helensburgh Rugby 7s Festival for Adults, U18s and U16s

U18 and U16 games will run from 10am on the Main Pitch 1 (Back of clubhouse), Road Side Pitch 2 (Next to the gravel car park) and Back Pitch 3 (Opposite the road side pitch, with then the Adult games starting from 1pm.

The Tournement

Will run in 2 phases; group stages followed by quarter finals, semi finals and then the final for each section.

The first place teams will play for the Cup; Adults will play for the Nick Fish Helensburgh Sevens Cup - In memory of Helensburgh 1XV player who sadly passed away this year, and the U18s will play for the Fergus Howat Cup - in memory of one of the clubs founding members who also sadly passed away this season.

Second place will play for the plate.

Third place for the Bowl.

Games Laws:

Games will be played in accordance with world rugby and Scottish rugby laws and variations.

12 players per team (including substitutes), unlimtinted rolling substitutes permitted.
Each half will run for 7 minutes in the group stages with a 1 to 2 minute break in between halves. There will not be extra time for a draw.

Points: 3 for a win, 2 for a draw, 0 for a loss

In the knock out stages in the event, quarters, semi and finals extra time will be permitted if required, if on completion of extra time both teams have drawn, the winner will be determined by points difference.

Nick Fish Memorial Match
During the last match in the adult group stages "Lomond-Helensburgh Vs Aberdeen" no other games will be played during this time, prior to the match we would Request all players, supporters and officials to join us in a 1 minute clap prior to the match to honour a Helensburgh 1XV and long standing club member Nick Fish who sadly passed away earlier this year.


A trophy presentation will take place for the U18s and U16s teams on completion of each sections final matches separate from the adult section, adult trophy presentations will take place on completion of the adult final.

Food, Drinks, Fundraising and Entertainment

During the event:
Food will be available from our BBQ located adjacent to the main pitch.
Drinks will be available from the main clubhouse bar and outside bar adjacent to the main pitch, bar opens at 1100.
Fundraising, please enjoy our fundraising activities throughout the day, donations are must appreciated.
Entertainment, throughout the day we will have Beano Disco adjacent to the main pitch for everyone to enjoy from 1200, followed by Jaikits Fur Goalposts playing live in the clubhouse from 2000.

Please enjoy the day and put all rubbish from food and drinks in the various bins around the club grounds.
There is plenty of parking at Helensburgh Rugly Club in the main car park and adjacent gravel car park. Please park sensibly and do not bock anyone in during the event.

Above all please enjoy the day, it is set to be a cracker.

Further reading
This is a past event
3 members attending
Ben Grayson
Ben Grayson
Ben Grayson
Ben Grayson
Yuqi Wang
Yuqi Wang